Will I See You at PIQF in 2024?

I’m just got back from teaching in Paducah, Kentucky and had an amazing time. One thing that the pandemic made me realize is how much I love teaching live and in person. When I wasn’t able to do that, it truly felt like something was missing. If you missed seeing me last week, your next opportunity to do so will be at Pacific International Quilt Festival in Santa Clara, California, July 24-27, 2024.

I’m excited to be teaching a full slate of workshops, including two of my signature full-day classes: Walking Foot Bootcamp & Free Motion Bootcamp. Taken together, these two will basically teach you everything you need to know to have a successful experience quilting on a domestic machine.

Whether you are a newbie to machine quilting or have been around the block a few times, it’s fun to share my best tips and tricks while guiding you through a series of exercises based on my latest 2 books: 99 Machine Quilting Designs & How Do I Quilt It?

Along with the bootcamp workshops, I’m offering a super fun class called Machine Quilting Fun with Spirals and Swirls. This is another all-day class that will go in depth with tons of cool ideas you can do with a walking foot OR free-motion. I enjoy teaching both techniques in the same class and especially love that “a-ha!” moment that students experience when everything clicks!

Domestic Machine Quilting is My Favorite Thing to Teach

Finally I will be teaching a 1/2 day class called Free-Motion Mashup. This is where you get to take a whole bunch of your favorite motifs and learn how to mix them up in a fun way. I often refer to this technique as “free-motion improv” or “improvisational machine quilting” because that’s exactly what it is. The cool thing about this technique is that it’s a completely unique design, each time you stitch it!

Just one of the infinite possibilities you can create with Free-Motion Mashup

PIQF Registration Info

I sure hope you can make it to this amazing show. Click here for my PIQF class listings.
Or you can register for any of them by clicking on each individual workshop below:

I really enjoying teaching at lots of different venues, so if you are unable to travel to me, I’m always happy to come to you! Feel free to pass along my name to the program coordinator of your local quilting group or guild. I pretty much say yes to wherever I’m invited to go. I’m always up for the next quilty adventure!

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